Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eclipse By: Stephinie Meyer

The main characters in the story are Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black. And just like in all of the other books of the saga they are stuck in this love triangle.

In this book, the last book of the Twilight Saga, Bella and Edward finally get married!:) Then on their honeymoon Bella get pregnant! And she still isn't changed yet! So they baby is killing her, so she gets changed into a vampire. And in the mist of all this craziness Jacob imprints on Bella's baby.

The setting of the movie is in Forks. A little town way up north in the mountains. They are in their senior year of high school!

The theme of the movie is a romance. Its a series of romance novels though. This being the last one.

I enjoyed this book very much! I like it better than any of the Twilight novels. I think that every teenage girl has probably read these books so its hard to suggest it. But if anyone hasn't read it they definitely read it!!

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