Thursday, November 12, 2009

From Jackson to Batesville in two weeks!

Okay so me and my mom moved here from Jackson Ms. , in all of about... TWO weeks!
It was pretty intense, but something good comes from everything if you let it.
1. Get all of my room and belongings packed up.
2. Tell all my friends i was moving.:(
3. Transfer all my school information to Batesville High school.
4. Bring the hauling truck of mine and moms stuff to our two bedroom one bath rental house.
5. Spend nearly a week unpacking and organizing the house.
6. Start school.
7. Make friends all these wonderful people at BHS!!!
8. Meet the most amazing guy ever.:)


  1. short,sweet, and to the point blogs

  2. Two weeks?! That is intense. When I moved we had the whole summer, and even that was crazy!
